Well, it should come as no surprise that physicians and surgeons “act out” on occasion. The fact is that most of the time, the acting out is in response to inept, poorly trained, overworked, understaffed and underpaid medical staff, some of whom are often rude and lazy. In most cases, physicians are responding based on their concern for their patients. There is also an element of overwork, needless oversight, excess paperwork etc., etc., which play a role.

To be sure, there are physicians and surgeons who are well known for their “behavior”. However, while this may be undesirable and in some cases unacceptable, it is also unacceptable to create a climate where emotion, anger, frustration and intolerance for incompetence are stifled due to a desire by many for “politically correct” behavior and speech. Giving this kind of “thought control” to hospitals, health plans and insurance companies is unacceptable.

Actions alone, not words or emotions, should be the only criteria for judging physicians and surgeons. As is pointed out, some of the “worst offenders” in the eyes of hospital administrators and nurses are among the biggest admitters. Did anyone stop to think why those doctors might be in that position? Could it be that patients and the community know that those physicians take care of business and do not tolerate inferior care being given to their patients? The Joint Commission has for a long time been an organization whose mission has wandered farther and farther from real issues of patient care and this is just one more example of that . . . jomaxx

from the Boston Globe . . . The Joint Commission (JC), the national group that accredits healthcare organizations, “is requiring all hospitals, nursing homes, and other healthcare facilities to adopt ‘zero-tolerance’ policies by Jan. 1, including codes of conduct, ways to encourage staff to report bad behavior, and a process for helping and, if necessary, disciplining offenders.” An increasing amount of “research suggest[s] that swearing, yelling, and throwing objects are not just rude and offensive to co-workers, but hurt patients by increasing the likelihood of medical errors.” Last month, the JC “issued a safety alert to hospitals…, saying outbursts threaten patient safety because they prevent caregivers from working as a team.” According to Peter Angood, M.D., chief patient safety officer for the JC, “most hospitals have tolerated healthcare road rage to the point where it has become an accepted part of the culture.” Moreover, some say “[t]hat can be particularly true…in high-stakes surgery, a field that can attract high-intensity physicians who are used to being in charge.”

link to this article @ http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2008/08/10/hospitals_try_to_calm_doctors_outbursts/

from American Medical News. . . But, other physicians argue that “disruptive behavior policies, which can cover everything from criminal assaults to condescension, are often too vague, and [can be] used against physicians who may step on toes when advocating for patients, or who own competing specialty hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers,” Meanwhile, “[s]ome worry that the commission’s actions could make it easier for hospitals to target outspoken medical staff members.”

link to this article @ http://www.ama-assn.org/amednews/2008/08/18/prl20818.htm

By Obi Jo

One thought on “Joint Commission says physician outbursts threaten patient safety”
  1. an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerpt Well, it should come as no surprise that physicians and surgeons “act out” on occasion. The fact is that most of the time, the acting out is in response to inept, poorly trained, rude and lazy medical staff. In most cases, physicians are responding based on their concern for their patients. There is also an element of overwork, needless oversight, excess paperwork etc., etc., which play a role. To be sure, there are physicians and surgeons who are well known for their “behavior”. However, w […]

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