President Obama said today during a meeting with 150 pre-selected doctors at the White House, that health reform would help doctors live up to their Hippocratic Oath. Whatever Mr. Obama wishes to accomplish it is hard to listen to that line without annoyance.  Anyone want to laugh out loud?  That is ok too. It is certainly not my belief that the President knows much about the real meaning of the Oath nor what it means to practice medicine or be a physician in the true sense. We as physicians first (surgeons, specialists, teachers and the like second) know better than ANYONE what the Oath means to us and to the patients that entrust themselves to our care. Mr. President, real physicians never needed any government, politician or health policy to help them “live up to” the Hippocratic Oath.  You must be drinking too much of your own Kool Aid.  Go sell that snake oil to someone else, real physicians are not buying it . . . but they do want Real Health Reform . . . so get involved in the details and forget the photo ops . . . jomaxx
President says health reform good for doctors

The president received big applause from the doctors assembled from “Red States, Blue States” and a number of different professional physicians’ organizations, including the American Medical Association. The AMA has endorsed the House version of the healthcare reform bill that does away with the Medicare payment formula doctors have long opposed. The Senate Finance Committee bill stops short of calling for the reimbursement system to be scrapped. Obama also boasted of the directive he issued to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to explore ways to promote patient safety while at the same time encouraging new methods of limiting medical malpractice lawsuits, an initiative popular with doctors.

The doctors summoned to the White House to lend support to healthcare reform don’t accurately represent physicians’ views, one Republican doctor-turned-lawmaker said Monday. Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.), the chairman of the conservative Republican Study Committee (RSC) and a former orthopedic surgeon, argued that the 150 doctors providing a backdrop for President Barack Obama’s Rose Garden event this morning were “hand picked” by the White House.

The president’s political arm, Organizing for America (OFA), is helping with the effort. Shortly after Mr. Obama finished speaking, the organization sent out an e-mail to reporters highlighting events that doctors had been hosting around the country.

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GOP: Doctors at White House misrepresent physicians –
White House’s botched ‘op’ –
Word from the White House: President Obama Welcomes Doctors from Around the Country –
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WASHINGTON, D.C.: Doctors make White House call –,0,2770764.story
Doctors gather at White House to hear Obama’s health care plans –
Organizing for America –
Hippocratic Oath –
Hippocratic Oath: Greek Medicine –

By Obi Jo

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